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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daily Outfit Chooser + More Avetts + Ultrasound!

Hi there, fellow narcissists! Still struggling with pretty severe pregnancy nausea, which sorta leaves my portion of the blog on the backburner. It's terribly hard to come up with things to write about when you're just doing whatever you can to feel better. So this post is gonna be a hodgepodge of sorts.

That's my babeh!!! See its sweet nose and little hand up by its face?

I got my first ultrasound last week, and just seeing my baby for the very first time just makes everything better!! I may not feel better physically, but now I have pictures to cling to! It's so beautiful, and you can already see its sweet little nose. Feels like forever until May when we find out if we're having a boy or girl. The feeling of watching it moving was like nothing else in the whole world...I can barely even put it into words except to say that I'd do and go through anything for this sweet baby, and no matter how awful I feel on any given day, all that matters is that's my baby! The tears started streaming immediately, and my husband and I looked at each other, and I said, "We made that!" Wow...I'm still overwhelmed by all the emotion!

Next, a friend emailed me something today that I thought was pretty cool, so I wanted to share it with you. It's a guide on how to make a daily outfit chooser - a little booklet you make with pictures of yourself wearing various clothes where you can mix and match the pieces! I'd love to have time for a little project like this. Instructions are here.

If any of you end up making one, we would sure love to see the results! Think you'll try it?

Finally, on Sunday, my hubs and I went to the Braves game (thank you, God, for giving us seats in the shade because pregnancy makes me hot hot hot all the time), which was followed by a free Avett Brothers concert!! So my second Avetts concert in just a two-week span (never enough)! Both shows were the only real times I've felt totally nausea-free for any length of time, so I think it's safe to say we've got a fan in the making! Our seats weren't very close, but here are some shots I got. I read there were something like 25,000 people in attendance! If you're a fan and familiar with the 1-2-3 hand count for "I and Love and You," it was pretty neat seeing people all across the stadium doing it.

That's all for now...wish me luck in feeling better as I'm now entering my second trimester! :)