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Friday, December 7, 2012

I've Been Featured by Guilt-Free Mothering!

I feel very honored that Francoise of Guilt-Free Mothering chose to feature my post on guilt on her own blog. Not only is that validating to me as a writer (since that is one of the things I want to do more of professionally), but it is an honor to open the message of The Closet Narcissist to new readers. I might not have the art of self-love perfected, but who does? I don't pretend to have it mastered. We're all in this together, in this daily attempt to live consciously and authentically with more genuine love for who we are, and my dream is to spread this message with my own unique perspectives on how to get there. If you can glean something from my own struggles, then they're even more worthwhile.

And guilt is often still a struggle for me. But I bet if you read my post and try to become more aware of lingering guilt in your life, it can open you up to more self-worth and love for yourself as a person when you learn to let go of it!

I mentioned in my last post, about getting serious about my career dreams, that I am doing coaching sessions with Francoise. I've had two sessions with her so far, and it is amazing how powerful it is and how much it is opening up to allow me to receive what I know I am supposed to be doing. She has a gentle way of giving you analogies that really make something click. She has clients worldwide, so if you are an entrepreneurial mom, you will be doing yourself, your business, and your family a service by checking her out. It's all about learning how to balance the commitments in your life without feeling depleted at the end of the day and how to grow your business.